What partners are saying about the Catalyst Global.
Joining Catalyst dramatically increased sales for established team building company operating in the small island economy of Malta.
“Through our partnership with Catalyst our portfolio of events has more than doubled. Thanks to this we can now win over more clients as we are offering different products, and of higher quality, than our competitors.
Some clients are apprehensive of trying new events/activities, but when we tell them that it’s a Catalyst product and the activity has been done and tested around different countries, it makes the sale very easy. The support we have found from the Catalyst Team and partners is amazing.”
Danica Fava, Founding Director, Outdoor Living Malta
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Established European team building company improves their business model, sales & profitability with Catalyst Global.
“When you are the challenger in a local market, the ability to make the bold claim that you are part of the number 1 team building provider in the world, as well as, the ability to promise our repeat clients new product every year, has made a significant difference. Add to this the ability to exchange ideas with a very smart and creative group of people has enabled us to change and improve our business model, sales and profitability. Joining Catalyst Global was probably the best business decision we have made in the last 5 years! I highly recommend it!”
Cristian Hossu, Managing Partner, Universum Events
Established company joined for the products but has found the open collaboration with like-minded people a business winner.
“We put our growth in part down to Catalyst products and the Catalyst community. Is Catalyst expensive: yes of course it, and it should be, we have a global network of like-minded people to help us with all aspects of the business. Imagine that really complicated quote that comes in on a Friday evening and the client needs it first thing Monday morning. You are unsure of how to pitch. Then imagine that you know 5 other companies that have completed this very same event. That complicated quote is now the easiest to get out to the client. Can you afford not to join Catalyst?”
David Bassett, Founding Director, Orangeworks
Business uses the Catalyst brand to establish itself in a new region.
“Historically as an event management company we had been operating in one country - Lithuania. We decided to move into Latvia and Estonia, new markets for us, with different languages and even different ways of thinking. To do this we took the Catalyst Global license for all 3 Baltic States. As Catalyst Baltic, being part of a huge global brand enabled us to win the confidence of clients. Many international companies have departments in all three countries, so clients recognise us as the same service provider making it easier for us to approach them and win sales.”
Darius Lomsargis, Managing Director, Agentura UPAS
Well established company switches from its own product to Catalyst Global's tablet based treasure hunt app, Go Team.
“Established in 1995 Event Masters is the leading DMC in Belgium. A few years back we decided to invest 60 K in developing an IOS based treasure hunt application called Eye Path. Since joining Catalyst Global, we switched from Eye Path to Go Team. We made this decision because Go Team was already a well-established international product delivered on both IOS and Android. It is well supported by the Catalyst Global team and now, we have no more maintenance costs! We can get back to our core business. We're been using it for a while now and we don't regret the switch at all!
Johnny Machiels, Managing Partner, Event Masters
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