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Europe, Belgium

Event Masters


Event Masters Belgium specialises in team building exercises; team building events and staff days out that are well organised, memorable and engaging.

Bert Knuts, Johnny Machiels


Event Masters Belgium

Event Masters specialises in offering team building exercises; team building events and staff days out that are well organised, memorable and engaging. Catalyst Global is proud to be represented in Belgium by Event Masters whose team building department has over 20 years of experience in staging creative and innovative events. As a leading Belgian DMC (Destination Management Company) and Professional Conference Organiser with euromic membership and offices located between Brussels and Antwerp, Event Masters provides services in Belgium and Luxembourg. With Event Master’s 50 unique team building concepts, together with the globally proven portfolio of team building products from Catalyst Global, clients in Belgium can choose from a full range of options from ice breakers and energisers to music activities, interactive business games and more. This suite of team building activities includes a variety of tasks designed to develop group members and their ability to work together effectively. All communication and participative exercises are tailored and aimed at improving communication and team building skills. Over the years, Event Masters has created team building events for organisations ranging from large multinationals to small local companies.

Event Masters is a structural partner of NGO Cunina, a development organisation that gives children in less-developed countries in the southern hemisphere access to primary and secondary education. Believing that a good education is the path to success in adult life, Cunina works with personal sponsorships actively contributing to Education for All and Millennium Development Goals - free education for all children worldwide. Event Masters has directly contributed to this charity, in particular the training of forty Cunina foster children to become Community Medical Assistants by donating 1 euro for every team building event participant. So when you organise your next Catalyst Global team building event with Event Masters, you know you are giving to a great cause.

Event Masters always aim to create events, which will engage your employees and focus them on a specific set of objectives. Whether you want to boost your sales force, motivate your employees or get your managers and colleagues to bond more closely, Event Masters can provide them with unforgettable shared moments, which achieve these objectives.