
Global Festival Game

The Global Festival Game stimulates memories and team building.

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Team members work together to understand the game and develop an agile team strategy.

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Squad Game

Players will learn the value of being present in the moment, thinking out of the box building relationships and anticipating and reacting with agility.

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Bean Around The World

Supply chains are developed as participants gain an understanding of customer requirements in response to changing market forces.

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Boom Time

Boom Time is a unique conference ice breaker or energiser that unifies teams as they create adrenaline-pumping music.

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Bridging The Divide

Working as both supplier and customer, Bridging the Divide is an engaging and challenging team-building exercise.

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Go Team

App-based treasure hunt team-building program for tablet devices that allows teams of adventurers to embark on a series of GPS-triggered challenges.

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The Big Picture

In The Big Picture, teams work together to paint a giant, multi-canvas artwork that reflects the company’s values.

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ibuild is a unified enjoyable activity with stable outcomes focusing on the significance of language, feedback, and a step-by-step task strategy.

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Quickfire is a mentally, physically, and creatively challenging tablet-based activity focusing on individual differences, risks, and rewards.

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City Build

City Build is a fun and creative team-building activity where teams use innovation and collaboration to create large model cities.

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Music is used to bond teams using Crescendo.

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