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Seconds Away

Creative thinking and teamwork in a limited time.

About this product

Seconds Away is a fast-paced team board game that tests product knowledge and sharpens sales skills. Teams will easily remember their company's values, but can they do it in under 15 seconds?

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Seconds Away is a fast-paced team board game that tests product knowledge and sharpens sales skills. Teams will easily remember their company's values, but can they do it in under 15 seconds? Fast thinking is required as teams progress across the board game to answer increasingly complex, time-based question cards intelligently tailored to your business. We consult with you closely during your meeting or conference preparation to ensure that the app supports tablets and ensure the game is fully customized to your scenario. Seconds Away is also a great introductory tool with the right questions to explore company culture and test business or health and safety processes. Seconds Away has an optional "Health" component that boosts energy levels with various timed workouts suitable for all ability levels.



Training should be fun, relevant and engaging for maximum impact! Seconds Away provides a flexible learning platform to turn your conference content into a game. Fun and interactive gameplay often help create a sense of teamwork, focus participants and improve information retention. Seconds Away encourages clear communication and quick decision-making under pressure. Ensure a unique board game style provides a new context to test information retention and improve the learning experience. The gentle nature of the rules promotes a relaxed and inclusive atmosphere where one can hone one's skills and appreciate the abilities of a colleague.